Monday, November 13, 2006


There are a couple on Vancouver island who are the only Canadian distributors of organic manuka honey, a honey rich in antibacterial properties that has been shown to heal infections, prevent the spread of the super-bug MRSA in hospitals, heal ulcers and even fight gingivitis.

Their new product, honey-dew honey is derived from the sap of beech trees. The Maoris named it for the golden colour of the beech sap in the morning light, not for the green melon.

These honeys contain strong natural antiseptics that can be eaten, used on the skin, and also put in beer. It can be compared to phenol, a chemcal antiseptic. Manuka has about 19% phenol, and as it ages it gets stronger

It has not been known about in North America, but in France, England, Japan, Australia and New Zealand -- people take a teaspoon when they have a sore throat and put it on their children's scraped knees. They use it for acid reflux and for skin ulcers on those with diabetes. So, it is good for people like me who have diabetes.

In New Zealand the ancient Maoris have known of this honey and the powers it has.

In the morning light
beech trees run with golden sap
to ease a sore throat

Summer sunshine
your hair a golden glow
a honey bee alights

Fresh baked bread
a thick layer of honey
drip ,drop off chin

In the deep forest
beech trees surround
your silence


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great you are writing about manuka honey, it is really very helpful!
so is bee pollen for various ailments and many other bee products.

An Apitherapist by choice !

Bee happy, as we say!
. Happy Haiku Gallery .

11:59 p.m.  

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